Why Should I Exfoliate?

Written by Lauren Arent (Lo Clark) 

Owner of Bewitched Esthetics & Licensed Esthetician since 2013

February 17th, 2023


Hello my darlings,

Does your skin feel dry even though you moisturize? Do you have rough, uneven texture? Do you have lots of little breakouts? If any of these apply to you, then my first question as an esthetician of ten years is going to be: Do you exfoliate?  

Because if your answer is no, then it is very likely it is the cause of your dry, rough skin, uneven texture and clogged pores. I often tell my clients, “Exfoliation is the most important step in your routine.” This is because exfoliation is the step in your skincare ritual that ties in all the other steps.

What Is Exfoliation?

Exfoliation is the step in your skincare routine that removes the dead skin cells, dirt and debris from your skin and even from within your pores. It polishes your skin, revealing soft, healthy skin and making it easier for your other products to work to their full potential. Exfoliation cleans out & opens the pores, reducing breakouts and blackheads as well as improving the texture of your skin. 

I instinctively know if I need a deep exfoliation by the way my skin feels under my fingertips. Without exfoliating, you could be wasting hundreds of dollars on skincare because your fabulous products won’t be as effective if they are sitting on top of dead skin cells, dirt & debris.

A person having their skin exfoliated by a holistic esthetician
What is exfoliation and why should we exfoliate?

What Is An Exfoliant?

An exfoliant refers to any skincare product that removes the layer of dead skin cells, dirt & debris from the surface of your skin. This can be by physical exfoliation or by chemical exfoliation. There are most certainly other ways to exfoliate such as dry brushing and dermaplaning but let’s focus products today.

A woman using a dry brush to exfoliate her skin physically

What Is A Physical Exfoliant?

A product that physically exfoliates will feel rough under your fingertips using ingredients like finely ground olive seed, charcoal, or rice/oat/chickpea/adzuki flour. You can feel the exfoliation process. Products like the Stone Crop Fizzofoliant, Strawberry Rhubarb Dermafoliant, Monoi Age Corrective Exfoliating Cleanser, or the Turmeric Energizing Treatment are considered physical exfoliants.

Physical exfoliation can also be achieved using certain tools like dry brushes for the body or facial brushes like the Clarisonic. If you have never heard of dry brushing, I encourage you to check out my article here

What Is A Chemical Exfoliant?

A chemical exfoliant uses ingredients like AHAs or BHAs to remove dead skin cells, dirt, & debris. You might still feel this type of exfoliant, in a tingling kind of way but typically it’s more “silent” and gentle on your skin. When I say gentle, I mean in a less abrasive way than physical exfoliation. Certain chemical exfoliants can be more powerful at removing the layer of dead skin cells than physical exfoliants. 

Here is a list of chemical exfoliating ingredients that you should look for in your skincare products:

Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHAs) includes salicylic acid derived from willow bark

Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHAs) are naturally occurring fruit acids and are more gentle, including Glycolic, Lactic, Citric, Mandelic, and Tartaric acids

Natural Retinol Alternative (or less advised Retinol)

Vitamin A

What Is An Enzyme Exfoliant?

Enzymes like Bromelain, Papain literally digest the dead skin cells on the surface of your skin. This kind of exfoliant can be wonderful for certain skin types, especially for people with sensitive skin where the abrasiveness of a physical exfoliant can cause the skin to feel irritated and turn red. 

When Should I Exfoliate?

Exfoliation should be done after you cleanse your skin. Some products will be a two in one, like the Monoi Age Corrective Exfoliating Cleanser and the Mangosteen Daily Resurfacing Cleanser. These can be used daily because they have been designed to be gentle enough to do so. Typically though, if you are exfoliating you should only be doing this step two to three times a week. A good place to start is by determining if you are more oily or dry. (This can easily be determined by setting up a consultation with me at Bewitched Esthetics or with your esthetician.) You will want to alternate days, allowing your skin to heal in between exfoliating. Especially if using products that contain acids. If you would like to learn a little more about this please check out my article on Skin Cycling

Why Exfoliate Before Shaving?

If you have never been told to exfoliate before shaving, I am going to change your life today. Exfoliating is such an important step not just for the face but for the body as well! Using a body scrub on your legs, armpits, etc. not only removes that layer of dead skin cells allowing you to deeply hydrate, but it releases hairs that are possibly trapped underneath the layer of dead skin cells. When this happens, we often have ingrown hairs as a result. Exfoliation is key to preventing these from occurring and healing them if they occur. Even if you don’t have ingrown hairs, exfoliating before you shave can help you achieve a close, even shave to have your legs feeling softer and smoother for longer!

Strawberry Rhubarb Dermafoliant

I love this exfoliant because it is not just a physical exfoliant. It has chemically exfoliating properties to it, containing both lactic and salicylic acid. It creates a smooth, even texture and really cleans out the pores to reveal healthy, smooth and clear skin!

Stone Crop Fizzofoliant shop photo
The perfect exfoliant to dissolve away rough skin texture and detox the pores from environmental toxins. Bonus, it's alkaline properties soften the skin.

Stone Crop Oxygenating Fizzofoliant

This exfoliant is so soft, once activated with a little water, the adzuki flour will dissolve a little and create a gentle foaming grit to not only polish away debris, but it’s also alkaline and can soften sebum trapped within your pores and reduce acne breakouts and calm redness.

Monoi Age Corrective Exfoliating Cleanser

This used to be my daily cleanser, and still would be if I hadn’t fallen in love with the Kombucha Microbiome Foaming Cleanser. Now I alternate between the two. I love this exfoliating cleanser because it is so gentle, it can be used daily! Gently polish your skin everyday with finely ground olive seed while also receiving the benefits of the Natural Retinol Alternative to work on those pesky fine lines and wrinkles. 

Monoi Age Corrective Exfoliating Cleanser shop image
Eminence exfoliating cleanser for anti-aging
Eminence Organics Turmeric Energizing Treatment
Eminence Organics Turmeric Energizing Treatment

Turmeric Energizing Treatment

This warm and cozy treatment contains zeolite which is deeply exfoliating and releases energy when coming in contact with water. When you make a paste with this product and put it on your face, it warms in a wonderful way, kinda like you’ve put your face close to a radiator. Once the warming sensation recedes, you can gently rub the grit into your skin and add physical exfoliation into the treatment. 

Mangosteen Daily Resurfacing Cleanser

Another daily exfoliation that smells like pink lemonade. You may feel a gentle tingle with this one as it contains a lactic acid complex, but it is so gentle you most likely won’t even notice. It’s a wonderful way to have glowing skin every day! 

Mangosteen Daily Resurfacing Cleanser shop photo
Eminence resurfacing cleansing for pore reduction and glow
Firm Skin Exfoliating Peel blog image
Firm Skin Exfoliating Peel from Eminence Organic Skincare

Exfoliating Peel Products

These products are excellent for target treatment. You can pick your favorite option, from Firm (which contains glycolic acid for reducing fine lines and wrinkles), Calm (which contains mandelic acid to reduce redness and fine lines), Clear (which contains salicylic & lactic acid to clean & clear the pores), or Bright (which contains the Natural Hydroquinone Alternative to brighten dark spots as well as fruit acids). 

Clear Skin Products

The Clear Skin Probiotic line contains yogurt which is a natural source of lactic acid and therefore a very gentle chemically exfoliating product. Using any of these products, the cleanser, the masque or the moisturizer can keep your skin clean & clear from dead skin cells, dirt and debris!

Clear Skin Vita Skin Collection shop image
Clear Skin collection from Eminence Organics
enzyme exfoliant
The Pineapple Refining Toniqaue is an enzyme exfoliant from Eminence Organic Skincare

Enzyme Exfoliant

If you have skin that won’t tolerate acids or physical exfoliants, the Pineapple Refining Tonique might be a wonderful option for you with the gentle ingredient Bromelain to softly remove dead skin cells and leave behind smooth, healthy skin.

Why Exfoliate?

All these reasons are hopefully convincing enough for you to support me when I say exfoliation is key. It may not be the most powerful step in your routine for targeting change but it is crucial to a healthy ritual. Each step relies on exfoliation to work to its full potential. So next time you stop by to restock your moisturizer, eye cream or serum, make sure to invest in a good exfoliating product!

Wishing you a life full of beauty and blessings!

With Love, From Lo brand image with lipstick kiss print


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