How to Use Crystals In Skincare

Written by Lauren Arent (Lo Clark) 

Owner of Bewitched Esthetics & Licensed Esthetician since 2013

October 22nd, 2022

Hello my darlings,

I know crystals sound hookie. To bear it all, I have my doubts at times. But the undeniable truth is that the world around us is essentially energy. Down to the smallest particles that vibrate and join with others to create the massive & complex structures that are you and me, we are all energy. 

Crystals in the Modern Age

I love that we live in an age where things like energy can actually be studied and observed in a logical and practical manner. Holistic beauty has been around for ages but due companies pushing for the biggest $$ the whole practice was smothered to the point that now when a person talks about using crystals & herbs a common reaction is to roll eyes or refer to said person as a “crazy hippie” (yes multiple times and I’m fine with it, I love being a crazy hippie).

And truly this is ok because as I said now we live in a time where I can actually use facts and references to support my wild claims. I still believe there is so much room for personal beliefs as in all things, there is never a one size fits all solution. 

Crystals Used Holistically

So while I can’t tell you exactly if I fully believe crystals are the true magickal tokens they are proclaimed to be, I can tell you that if  you put it down to a science – everything in the universe has a vibrational frequency. Inanimate objects included. And therefore crystals definitely carry a vibrational magick I believe can correlate to beautiful skin.

In a crystal we have clear evidence of a formative life principle, and while we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is nonetheless a human being.

So because of these unique vibrational frequencies,  crystals can help improve your skincare routine and therefore your daily happiness. Here is a little guide to which crystals would be most beneficial to your skin’s overall health & longevity. As a holistic esthetician, it is important for me to look at the whole picture of skin health. Therefore some of these crystal suggestions may lead to an overall wellness. By healing your body, mind, and soul, you will heal your largest organ: your skin.

Crystals & Benefits for the Skin

Combats UV damage by raising glutathione levels, reducing oxidative stress, combating free radicals, and regenerating vitamin C & E. 


Heals the skin and boosts the immune system, clears pollutants and toxins from the body while stimulating the cleansing organs.

Resurfaces by buffing away dead skin cells & impurities,

soothes redness and softens fine lines & wrinkles.

Improves the skin & hair. It stimulates the organs of elimination & assimilation and has been used to treat problems of infertility. 


Pink Tourmaline

Calms and heals emotions. Perfect for those who struggle with stress induced acne (typically found along the jawline in the hormonal zone). Place on heart, promotes peace & relaxation.

Amplifies, purifies & heals. Reduces inflammation which can be beneficial for acne, psoriasis, rosacea, and eczema.

Amplifies the benefits received from any skincare. 

Promotes the growth of skin tissue & hair as well as supporting healthy habits, good for emotional resilience when building a skin care routine or healing a stubborn existing issue such as stage 4 acne.

Acts as an irritant filter. It purifies the circulatory system and kidneys, relieves infections, improves the skin and balances the thyroid. 


Has a tonic effect. It heals and regenerates tissues. It strengthens the metabolism and benefits the skin.

Detoxifies & reduces puffiness, brightens & firms,

relaxes facial tension, believed to have properties of immortality.

Treats the skin, useful for dispersing toxins and dissolving growths

Heals and releases dis-ease and treats skin disorders and dispels bloating. 

It reduces toxicity & inflammation.

Is a detoxifier for the skin and connective tissue. 


Green Selenite

Assists in working towards the highest good, makes you feel good about yourself andhelps to overcome the effects of aging on the skin. 


Strengthen & nourish the aging & dry skin, restores hydration levels for plumper & more radiant skin, stroking rubies across your skin was once believed to restore youthful beauty.

Making an Elixir

So now I bet you are asking how you use crystals to receive these benefits for your skin. And my #1 advice for this at home is to make an elixir. What is an elixir? My goodness it’s only the easiest thing to make! An elixir is essentially liquid infused with the healing energy of the crystal. To make one, all you need is the crystal you desire, water and a spray bottle (preferably glass). You can also sub the water & bottle for an existing toner or tonique you possess.

To infuse the crystal healing properties, place the crystal and the water in the bottle or the crystal into the toner and leave it in for minimum overnight. For the best results, leave the crystal in the bottle for as long as you are using the elixir and charge the elixir in the light of the moon. The full moon is for cleansing and releasing, the new moon is for manifesting new things. You can also add herbs to the liquid, like lavender or rose petals.

My favorite products to infuse with crystals are the Stone Crop Hydrating Mist and the Neroli Age Corrective Hydrating Mist from Eminence! It’s so refreshing, like a glass of cool water for your skin. With ingredients like jasmine and lavender to soothe & nurture the skin, this is a product that pairs well with the healing energies of crystals.

Skincare Infused with Gemstones & Crystals

If you don’t feel like making your own crystal infused products, Eminence has you covered! Use the Turmeric Energizing Treatment contains elements of citrine gemstones, the stone of light and happiness that helps the mind and body feel recharged, motivated and energized. Or the Camellia Glow Solid Face Oil containing pink tourmaline which encourages the mind and spirit to feel positive thoughts, boosting a glow from within.

Other Uses and How to Charge

Not every crystal is suitable for sitting within skincare or water however. Any crystal ranked below 6 on the Mohls scale of hardness is not to be put in an elixir or any products. I’ve noted these next to the crystals on the list. So to use these in skin care, I recommend placing directly on the skin during your meditation or while you are watching TV. You can also purchase certain products made of crystals, like jade or rose quartz rollers, crystal masks, guasha stones, etc. At the most simplest of forms, you can leave your crystals in your skin care drawers, to rest among the products and infuse them. Never forget to leave charge and cleanse your crystals in the light of the moon! To be clear, you can also use the sun, I just prefer the moon because it is the sign of the goddess.

My Favorite Method

My absolute favorite method for incorporating crystals into skin care is to use them in facials. After my reiki training, I felt absolutely drawn to these lovely stones. I keep dozens of them arranged in my work space for use on clients. I charge them under the moon frequently and cleanse them after each use. I intuitively pick crystals for each client and sometimes in the middle of a facial, you might hear me say, “I am going to place crystals on and around you.”

Now when I say intuitively, I mean I first and foremost get a reading from the client. This is not something done against their will or without permission. Every client has the right to refuse, but to be quite honest most of my clients trust me pretty implicitly. I take a reading from their words. If they are struggling with a relationship, I pick a crystal that correlates with the heart chakra (if you want to know more about chakras click here). If they are having trouble speaking up at work, feeling like their voice doesn’t matter, I pick a crystal that correlates with the throat chakra. Most often though, I will pick a crystal that stands out to me. As I place it on or near the client, I often ask what might be blocking or radiating from that chakra. This gives the client a chance to open up and heal. 

As you see, I use crystals for their physical and emotional healing properties. If you would like to experience a crystal healing facial with me, please book here. Crystals can be used in ANY of my services. 

Without further discussion…here are just a few of my favorite crystals you can use to enhance your skincare ritual.

Crystals Used in My Facials at Bewitched Esthetics

Final Remarks

I hope you love all these wonderful crystal tips. I sure do love my crystals. Whatever you may believe, consider this – when crystals are part of something, they act as a conduit for healing. Their vibrations help your cells thrive by allowing positive, healing energy to just flow through the body and push out negative, toxic, dis-ease causing energies out of the body. Energy and vibrations are not seen, they are felt. 

If you need a place to search for crystals and you are local, I recommend trying Eyes of the World Imports and Purple Lotus. If you aren’t local, I recommend Etsy. There are so many lovely small businesses to choose from!

Wishing you a life full of beauty and blessings!

With Love, From Lo brand image with lipstick kiss print


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