Why Choose Eminence Organic Skincare

Written by Lauren Arent (Lo Clark) 

Owner of Bewitched Esthetics & Licensed Esthetician since 2013

September 5th, 2022


Hello my darlings,

Today I want to give you the story behind my undying love and fiery passion for Eminence Organic Skincare. Believe it or not, I used to have terrible cystic acne and was afraid to leave the house without makeup on my face. Now, at 30 years old, I am head over heels for my skin, no scars from my past and a very minimal amount of fine lines for my age. I get compliments on my skin constantly and requests for my skin care secrets. I tell them Eminence. Your skin is your most important investment. If you take care of your body by eating healthy and working out, if you take care of your mind by meditating and reading books, if you take care of your teeth by going to the dentist, then you damn well better be taking care of your skin and the best thing you can put on it is Eminence. 

Picking a Product Line for Happy Skin

*Always feel free to set up a consultation with me after reading about all the Éminence products. When diving into skin care, it can easily feel like the deep end of a pool. There is nothing wrong with beginning in the shallows! After a few appointments with me, you’ll have a good handle on what works for your own personalized skin care regimen and the Éminence Organic Skin Care Line will appear less overwhelming. Consider me your life guard and these articles your life preserve.

There is a reason Éminence Organic Skin Care has been voted #1 Professional Skin Care Line by Spa Professionals for 13 years. Well actually there are many reasons. And as an Éminence Junkie and esthetician of ten years, I am going to give you all the facts and all I can tell you about my personal experiences with Éminence over the last six years.

Yes Of Course I've Tried Other Lines

I feel I need to explain one thing first as my obsession could easily be misconstrued as bias. I have tried MANY other skin care lines. I have even liked other skin care lines. I think my second favorite line would have to be Farm House Fresh. Excellent stuff, but it doesn’t check all my boxes as you’ll see if you keep reading. Neither did Epionce, Dermalogica, Naturopathica,  Drunk Elephant, etc. I could go on. Occasionally I test the market and I purchase a new skin care product from a different line, just to keep an open mind you know. I have even made my own skin care which is in my opinion the closest I can get to satisfaction. You just can’t beat Eminence’s price point, quality of ingredients, scientific studies, product technology, the worldly impact, the smell, the feel……

Eminece Logo Image
Eminence Organic Skincare Logo

First, Let’s Start At The Beginning

Éminence Organic Skincare is a professional skin care line from Hungary. Hungarian born and raised Boldijarre Koronczay is the founder, president and owner of Éminence and reason #1 to love Éminence. At age four he was diagnosed with childhood leukemia with only a 0.1% chance of survival. His parents believed in the healing powers of organic and biodynamic food, and considering we are still blessed to have Boldijarre on this earth, I would agree. The concept of better ingredients is what inspired Boldijarre Koronczay to develop the Éminence Organic Skincare line from some of the original family recipes in order to spread the knowledge and powers of the very thing he contributes to saving his life.

The hard working and ethical man behind an inspiring product. This is exactly the place to start, the tip of the pyramid that is this skincare empire. It took him nine long years, working minimum wage while building the thing he believed in. A true inspiration to me. With all of the companies out there, all of the thousands of skin care lines, it is important to me that the foundation of the product I choose for my profession and for my skin health has a good, entrepreneurial heart.

Next, Let’s Talk About Philanthropy

I know I haven’t even gotten to the part about how awesome Éminence is for your skin but my belief in the goodness of this product goes so much deeper and I want to build your belief from the bottom up.

Éminence gives you the opportunity to give back even when you make a purchase to benefit your own needs. Each purchase of an Éminence product allows you to do three things.

#1. Each product purchased plants a tree

And not just any tree. Éminence works with an organization called Forests for the Future. This organization plants trees intentionally to revive the earth. The first time I heard about this program, they were currently planting trees in a small village in Africa. The trees they were planting were crucial to the ecosystem. These trees helped to cultivate the soil, making it nutrient rich and allowing the people who inhabited the village to begin farming, to begin a way of life. Not just any trees. In 2016 Éminence received the Innovate Award for Philanthropic Initiatives through the International Spa Association because of their work with Forests of the Future. And it is all due to clients like you purchasing products from spa’s like mine. To date, 18 million trees have been planted through Éminence. How many opportunities have you had to do something good just by buying skin care?

#2. Éminence Kids Foundation

You may not know it but I lost a sister to cancer when I was eight years old. Just like Boldijarre, I believe in the power of organic ingredients. The things a young body has to go through in the battle with cancer take a toll and the quality of ingredients they need to nourish their bodies through this battle are crucial. A portion of the proceeds from each Éminence product sold goes to the organization called the Éminence Kids Foundation, an organization dedicated to bringing organic fruit, vegetables and other food to sick kids in Europe and North America. Just another reason this company has been awarded the Innovative Award for Philanthropic Initiatives. I ask again, how many opportunities have you had to do not just one but two good things just by buying skin care?!

#3. Better for the Earth

This portion is the most extensive. I’m just going to throw this link to Éminence: a Green Company in here because I can’t even give you all the information about how GREEN this company is. Just to give you an overview however: Éminence is a Certified B Corporation® meaning this company holds itself to the highest standards of transparency and accountability of social and environmental performance. Everything from transportation and distribution, packaging, products, farming, ingredients, green offices, and their green spa initiative shows how much this company truly cares about Mother Earth. It gives me hope that other companies can make this change, that our world can make a change. Taking care of the Earth in any way possible is vital to me and therefore, I choose to professionally support a company that really cares.

OK, Now We Can Talk Benefits For Your Skin?

Now that I have enthralled you by showing you the man behind the curtain and all his passion projects, I will tell you exactly why building an Éminence routine is in your best interest.

Did you know your skin is your largest organ? Yup. That’s right. ORGAN. Meaning just like your heart, your stomach, your kidneys, your liver, your survival depends on it and its health. Did you know that your skin absorbs everything it touches? You have to feed your skin, just like you feed your stomach. Personally, I like to know what all my ingredients are in my food. Just like I like to know the ingredients in my skincare.

The Koronczay family has been developing organic recipes for 55 years. Éminence products contain a MINIMUM of 70% organic ingredients. They believe in Organic, Natural, Biodynamic®, Sustainable, Cruelty Free ingredients, NOT parabens, phthalates, sodium lauryl sulfates, propylene glycol, or animal testing. They aren’t just certified USDA Organic, they are Demeter Certified, Organic Trade Association members, ISPA members, Allied Beauty Association members, Oncology Training International partners, Cruelty Free, and FSC certified. Starting to understand my love for Éminence?


You might have seen the Biodynamic® word mentioned above. What is Biodynamic®? It’s like organic squared². Basically, Biodynamic® is a method of farming that goes back to the OG way. Everything on the farm in Hungary is viewed as a self-supporting ecosystem, from the plants to the animals. There are no pesticides, only honey traps and herbal teas keep away the insects. Biodynamic® ingredients are grown and harvested as natural as possible. To learn more about Biodynamic® farming, please check this LINK because I can’t sing enough praises in print.

Aside from quality ingredients, there is one other thing that makes this product line truly exceptional. The phrase I use for my clients that just sums it up in one neat little package is this, 

“Éminence is organic with clinical results.”

At our quarterly trainings, we don’t just receive a list of quality ingredients to study, we get to learn WHY those ingredients were chosen and what natural phenomenon was reformulated to enhance the benefits of said ingredient. For example, encapsulated tea tree oil. This essential oil can be too harsh for the skin when applied directly. Éminence said, “Not a problem” and formulated a way to slow release them onto the skin so they can be absorbed properly without doing harm. Mangosteen is used because it is the only fruit to contain the antioxidant known as Xanthones. They have trademarked elements like the PhytoCellTecTM and Biocomplex2TM as well as the Natural Retinol Alternative and the Natural Hydroquinone Alternative. These are natural alternatives to popular chemical approaches to fixing skin problems like hyperpigmentation and the effects of aging. And studies have proven these methods to be more effective!

Why Else?

The last reason is the most important reason to me. Before I found Éminence I had tried EVERYTHING. I had tried everything on the shelf at Walmart, Fred Meyer and even Pro-Activ. Then when I was in beauty school, I tried every professional product I could get my hands on. I was even prescribed antibiotics by my dermatologist. I couldn’t fix my skin. I had horrible cystic acne that was incredibly painful and embarrassing for me, especially when I became an esthetician.

I found Éminence when working at an amazing spa in Spokane, WA. I began working for the marvelous Carrie Magruder at The BrickHouse Massage & Coffee. She took me under her wing and immediately began sending me to trainings with Éminence. After my very first training I purchased my first regimen. The Rice Milk Cleansing Water, the Balancing Duo Masque and the Rosehip Whip Moisturizer (the last one is one I still use to this day!) I found Eminence when I was 22 years old and I have never looked back. The first thing I did before opening my own esthetics practice was call my rep Jessica to make sure I could carry Éminence. 

I am thirty years old and proudly still the first one in a group to be carded when we go out. I have never used Botox or filler, never had work done and can honestly thank this skincare line for my beautiful skin. And I can thank the company for helping me grow into the esthetician I am today. The endless education Éminence (specifically Jessica Jenkins, my amazingly wonderful product representative, business coach and empowering female role model) has provided for me has allowed me to thrive in my career. 

Final Remarks

Now that you know how remarkable this skin care line is, I hope you are ready to book a facial with yours truly! I offer three kinds of facials, the specific difference being the amount of time you want to dedicate to your skin. 

The Simple Magick Facial is 30 minutes, The Avra Kehdabra Facial is 60 minutes,

and The Divine Facial is a whole 90 minutes of luxury. Each of these comes with a minimum of a cleanse, a facial massage and hand massage. The amount of time you pick allows me to pick the enhancements that will best suit your skin. And this way, there is no need to feel responsible for picking the best treatment for your skin because I CUSTOMIZE each facial according to your individual needs. 

If you are ready to book CLICK HERE to be directed to my scheduling system.

If you would like to browse my inventory of Éminence products CLICK HERE to be directed to my online store! If you are local to Boise, free shipping and free in store pick-up is available! 

I hope you enjoyed this perspective from a skin care nerd. 

I hope you find your confidence and feel beautiful, today and every day!

With Love, From Lo brand image with lipstick kiss print

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