Avocado & Microgreens Toast: A Detoxifying Recipe

Written by Lauren Arent (Lo Clark) 

Owner of Bewitched Esthetics & Licensed Esthetician since 2013

June 12th, 2023


Hello my darlings,

I have been intermittent fasting for years and only recently have switched up my eating patterns based on a new study. This means I get to eat breakfast again and man oh man it feels like Christmas came early! I had forgotten how much I love breakfast food, because I associate breakfast with sugar like cereal, pancakes and muffins. However there is so much more to breakfast such as Avocado Toast! Since I don’t do anything basic, I enhanced this toast quite a bit with Microgreens and a few other skin healthy ingredients. Hope you like this delicious breakfast recipe!

If you regularly read my blog, you know I am a practicing holistic esthetician in Boise, Idaho. I aim to bring you recipes that will keep your skin looking healthy and radiant. Holistically speaking, your skin will look its best when we eliminate issues/disease/inflammation within the body. The key to this is using non-toxic, organic, and anti-inflammatory ingredients that #1. Eliminate the issues processed/chemical/toxin filled foods create. #2. Heal the body from within.

Benefits of Microgreens

Microgreens are essentially miniature forms of their adult veggies like broccoli, beets, swiss chard, etc. Why are microgreens such a health craze? Because research shows microgreens contain up to 40% more phytonutrients than the full grown version of themselves. Meaning microgreens are little vitamin packed powerhouses! These potent vitamins help the body fight off inflammatory conditions, cancer, and can even protect the skin from environmental damage. Plus, when consumed, microgreens are an excellent source of fiber which is crucial for a healthy gut which, as I discuss in this article, is one of the most important health factors for healthy skin. 

Benefits of Avocado

This marvelous fruit is filled with health benefits. Avocados contain healthy fats and nutrients good for the skin and body such as Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin E. Omega-3 fatty acids are incredibly beneficial for the heart and the mind. This component can also aid the skin in hydration, easing acne and reducing the signs of aging. Vitamin E is excellent for wound healing as well as scarring. I frequently recommend Vitamin E to clients with acne scars or conditions like eczema and psoriasis. The anti-inflammatory properties of avocado make it an incredible choice for all skin types!

If you want to incorporate microgreens further into your skin care ritual, I recommend giving the Stone Crop Cleansing Oil a shot! This cleanser has a soft, luxurious feel that leaves the skin feeling clean and incredibly hydrated! It removes make up with ease which is excellent for all my female clients and any beauty queens out there. It’s also excellent for men, conditioning the beard as you cleanse and if you’re ready for a good shave it also makes for an excellent medium to keep the hair follicles happy. 

Tips for Making Avocado & Microgreens Toast

Microgreens can put you at risk for things like e-coli and salmonella if not washed correctly, not to mention pesticide residuals, even if they are organic. So please be sure to always THOROUGHLY wash all your produce (get the produce cleanser I use here). The only way you wouldn’t need to wash your microgreens is if you grow them yourself

I like my eggs to be on the border of jammy, not runny but still golden and soft instead of pale yellow and dry. The time I have given for how I boil my eggs is on a gas stove when the water has been boiled *first* before adding the eggs to the hot water.

The mustard in this recipe is absolutely optional. I personally love the tangyness mustard adds to my eggs. It adds a whole new powerful flavor pallet to avocado toast. However, my husband thinks adding mustard is a crime. I prefer to think he has underdeveloped taste buds and he certainly can’t deny he is a picky eater but the call to add mustard is definitely up to you. Mustard is highly nutritious (if you consume organic mustard made from actual mustard seed) so remember that if you are on the fence. 

Ingredients for Avocado & Microgreens toast

Egg White, Avocado & Microgreens Face Masque

Packed with detoxifying phytonutrients from the microgreens, vitamin E and Omega-3 fatty acids from the avocado, and the lutein & protein from egg whites make this masque a rejeuvenating, hydrating, anti-aging magic potion. Skincare so clean you can eat it! (I mean not this one only because raw eggs pose a health risk but technically all edible ingredients so you can catch my drift!) 


1/2 cup microgreens

half an avocado

1 egg


#1. Separate the egg white from the egg yolk. 

#2. Wash your produce thoroughly!

#3. Add avocado, microgreens and egg white into blender. 

#4. Puree into a thick paste.

#5. Paint onto skin and allow to set for at least 10 minutes. Leave on for up to half an hour before washing off. You may need to plan to wash off in the shower as the egg white can be quite clingy to the skin. 

Recipe for Avocado & Microgreens Toast

Avocado and Microgreens Toast


1 avocado

1/2 cup microgreens

1 slice of bread (click here for my recipe)

1/2 teaspoon mustard

2 eggs

feta cheese

pinch of dill

pinch of salt & pepper


#1. Boil a small pot of water. Add eggs and set a timer for 9 minutes. Eggs will come out hard boiled with yolk still golden although cooked solid. 

#2. Immediately remove eggs from the stove when the timer sounds. Pour out hot water and allow cold water to flow over eggs for 2-5 minutes. 

#3. Shell boiled eggs. Put into a bowl and mash with avocado, mustard, dill, salt and pepper.

*Mustard is optional. (See above.)

#4. Toast your bread as desired. Please avoid burning your toast as anything black contains carcinogens which are inflammatory to the skin.

#5. Spread a thick layer of your eggs & avocado onto your toast. 

#6. Make sure to THOROUGHLY wash your microgreens with produce wash.

#7. Add a layer of microgreens atop your avocado toast.

*Optional to mix the microgreens right into the egg, avocado, and mustard mixture. 

#8. Sprinkle on feta cheese & enjoy!

Healthy Skin Begins Within

Healthy Skin Begins Within Header on paper with sketches

If you have tried everything but still struggle to find clear, healthy skin my number one recipe is to try and clean up your diet! Inflammation is a major cause of skin disorders like acne, rosacea, redness, psoriasis, even premature aging. If you’ve crossed out a lot of the obvious causes, you may find you have some hidden sensitivities creating problems for you. The path to healthy skin isn’t always an easy one, if you have questions along the way or if you don’t even know where to start, book a consultation or a facial with me and let me help you get started. 

If you decide to rock my homemade masque I wanna know about it! Tag me @bewitchedestheticsboise so I can share you on my stories! 

Wishing you a life full of beauty and blessings!

With Love, From Lo brand image with lipstick kiss print

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