Hungarian Mushroom Soup

Written by Lauren Arent (Lo Clark) 

Owner of Bewitched Esthetics & Licensed Esthetician since 2013

February 24th, 2023


Hello my darlings,

Did you know Eminence Organic Skincare is a Hungarian line of products? The origin story is truly amazing. If you want to read more in depth on this topic, please check out my article Why Eminence. In short, many of the recipes for the first products were original Hungarian family recipes. 

So when I saw this recipe for Hungarian Mushroom Soup, I couldn’t help but make it myself. I’ve made a few tweaks to my take on the recipe but I’ve included the traditional recipe for you to be able to decide how to make yours.

A Reminder on Food Magick

As a holistic esthetician, it is important for me to remind my clients that food is the first step to having healthy skin. Your body operates as one, meaning if something is wrong with your gut or with your other organs oftentimes the first place we will see evidence is on the skin. Breakouts can occur when we aren’t careful about consuming a balanced diet or about the quality of the food we are eating or even if we are choosing foods our bodies have deemed improper (food sensitivities and allergies). Pay close attention to food magick, it can be a useful healing tool for your entire body.

Hungarian Mushroom Soup Recipe
Hungarian Mushroom Soup Recipe by Bewitched Esthetics owner Lo

Hungarian Mushroom Soup Base

I made mine more brothy. I love soup for the broth, that’s just a personal choice, however I will note that broth (especially bone broth) is very useful in healing the gut. The recipe I’ve provided is the traditional, heartier version. So if you prefer your soup brothy like mine, skip the step that requires you to make a rue (butter+flour+water) which will thicken your base to the consistency of chili. (Again, just to note, it will also add calories to your food and not necessarily healthy ones.)

Ingredient Substitutions

This recipe can be made vegan by swapping olive oil for the ghee you saute the onions with. As well as using vegan sour cream (more details to come).

You can also use regular butter if you don’t have ghee or issues with lactose.

This recipe can also be made meat lover friendly by adding a pound of ground lamb.

Picking Your Spice

If you don’t have Hungarian Paprika, regular paprika is a fine substitute. Please make sure you are always picking out organic spices. You do not have the ability to rinse your spices, so if there were any pesticides grown on the source of your spice, it would be ground into the food. Spices are an area where companies will label a powder as “garlic salt” while adding a boatload of filler. So to reiterate: buy organic spices. 

Paprika for Hungarian Mushroom Soup
Paprika for Hungarian Mushroom Soup

Hungarian Paprika

Please note that Hungarian Paprika is very smoky and sweet in flavor. It’s a pungent spice. I made a batch with 1 tablespoon and a batch with 3 tablespoons of paprika, both were amazing to me but the 1 teaspoon batch was a little more popular among my taste testers. If you are not a fan of strong spice, maybe knock it down a notch because 3 tablespoons is quite a lot. Paprika invigorates and rejuvenates the skin. It’s vasodilator meaning it widens the blood vessels temporarily, which can give your complexion a beautiful flush and stimulate detoxification. It can also prevent age spots and dark spots.


Not only are mushrooms savory and delicious, they contain loads of food magick. Rich in potassium, antioxidants and fiber while being low in calories and fat, cremini mushrooms make an excellent food choice for healthy skin. Shiitake mushrooms are considered medicinal in some traditions. They contain polysaccharides which protect against cellular damage while also being anti-inflammatory. 

Mushrooms for Hungarian Mushroom Soup
Mushrooms for Hungarian Mushroom Soup
Dill for Hungarian Mushroom Soup
Dill for Hungarian Mushroom Soup


Dill is such a fun flavor. While I definitely included dry dill in my soup base, I thoroughly enjoyed adding copious amounts of this fresh herb before serving. Herbs are one of the most magickal foods we enjoy, which is why they are used in medicine, both in traditional and modern (although modern medicine uses mostly synthetic forms of the herbal healing components). Dill contains vitamins such as vitamin A & C (great for anti-aging and brightening) as well as Iron and calcium. This herb is anti-inflammatory and contains detoxifying properties, which can be helpful with reducing acne. 

Sour Cream 

Here is another substitution we can look at. While I absolutely love the taste of sour cream, it isn’t the best food health wise. So an excellent swap for regular sour cream is a vegan alternative. I like to use the Forager’s brand Organic Probiotic Cashew Milk Yogurt. It tastes quite close to sour cream without the guilt AND it contains probiotics! Such a great way to encourage your microbiome to flourish which is vital for a healthy complexion. 

Vegan Sour Cream for Hungarian Mushroom Soup
Vegan Sour Cream for Hungarian Mushroom Soup
Hungarian Herbal Mud Treatment shop image
Hungarian Herbal Mud Treatment

The Perfect Pairing for the Hungarian Herbal Mud Treatment. 

The Hungarian Herbal Mud Treatment contains paprika making it the perfect match for this recipe. Just like the Hungarian Mushroom Soup, it’s a traditional Hungarian recipe containing Hungarian Herbal Mud (high amounts of mineral trace elements and sulfur to nourish problem skin), sage (to tone the skin), willow (to soothe the skin & revitalize), Ivy (which is high in vitamin C as well as an antioxidant), and cinnamon (revitalizes through vasodilation and it’s antibacterial + anti-inflammatory). I absolutely love using this masque for treating emergency acne flares. You can easily spot treat with this mud masque as needed or you can use it as an all over preventative treatment. I personally use it as both, choosing to use this masque at least two to three times a month and spot treating when necessary. It’s my favorite acne go to in the Eminence product line.

Hungarian Mushroom Soup Recipe

Wishing you a life full of beauty and blessings!

With Love, From Lo brand image with lipstick kiss print